Catching up from the Summer

Tech News from July and August

Welcome back my Tech Curious friend. I’m so glad you’re here. Below you can find information about the most recent tech news. So let’s get started.

After taking the summer off, I’m back with all the new tech news stories. Some of these stories are over the last few weeks to help us get caught up. Fresh news stories will come on our regular schedule after this entry.

So let’s get caught up.

Table of Contents

Using Drones to Find and Fight Fires

Wildfires can do a ton of damage before they are even found. A new slew of drones will hopefully make finding those fires much easier, so we can fight them while they are small and easy to contain.

Foreign Influence in Election Campaigns

Foreign influence is nothing new, just how they are doing it. With the rise of AI and social media, it’s easier than ever to start waves of misinformation.

Some countries aren’t even trying to send voters to one canidate or another, rather they are trying to stir up unrest within our country.

The justice department is even weighing in saying they will go after those who use AI even harder… but how easy will that be if they are in a different country?

Can You Trust Your AI Driver… When it Acts Drunk?

AI Taxi Driver

Recent video shows a Waymo self driving car turning into on coming traffic because…? Who knows, that’s a really good question.

Most people don’t do that, thankfully. And while some say, minor situations like this might occur. While no one was injured thankfully, it still can be scary. Many self-driving car advocates say AI only has to get as good as human drivers. But shouldn’t we want more?

How Much Freedom of Speech Do We Have?

Crazy amounts of social media

Mark Zuckerberg admitted what some had thought all along. That the government was intentionally requesting that they minimize certain types of content related to COVID a couple of years ago.

While in the US we hold the freedom of speech to a very high standard, the government is saying it wasn’t them; they were just requesting it from a private company which doesn’t have the same requirements.

Some are saying this could affect a political outcome, while others are asking how this could be allowed to happen? And do we need a Ministry of Truth?

Are People Tiring of AI?

It looks like it according to new reports. Where “AI” was added to everything for a while, often with it just being rebranding, not really AI, people are getting tired of it. Especially the low quality AI that we’re seeing.

We’re not seeing what we expect when we’ve looked at Sci-Fi shows like Star Trek, and wonder if we ever really will see something great.

That’s why companies are being warned that even if they have AI, to maybe not call it that in their marketing.

AI Isn’t Winning This Race Either

Robots for Political Office

In a first of its kind, a man running with the promise to use AI to govern has lost his first bout in the primary.

It is an interesting idea. Can AI do a better job at governing than people? Would it be easier, or harder, to influence? I guess it all comes down to how it’s built, and knowing that we won’t know just yet as no one has one.

Maybe it should have read the previous article about people getting tired of AI?

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