Google Leaks, How Safe is Your Job from AI and more

Tech News Stories from the week of May 26th...

Welcome back my Tech Curious friend. I’m so glad you’re here. Below you can find information about the most recent tech news. So let’s get started.

Table of Contents

AI Won’t Take Your Job

How often do you hear “AI won’t take your job… someone using AI will?” Well, now the Netlfix CEO is saying it too.

He’s quoted as saying, “I don’t believe that an A.I. program is going to write a better screenplay than a great writer…” Well, I don’t know. I’ve seen some of the recent movies and TV shows…

So, does he really have that faith in humanity? Is he trying to make people feel better? (Especially as he’s trying to change how Netflix pays their creatives.) Or is he giving the machines time to learn and get better so they can take their jobs? Time will only tell.

How Dangerous is Sky Borg?

Robo Fighter Pilot

Robo Fighter Pilot

The scary sounding Sky Borg was back in the news with some interesting insights from Sandboxx. It referenced how it can currently keep up with a well trained F-16 pilot (and explained just what that meant compared to other countries) and how that it will improve as development continues.

However, a more interesting perspective is that while some compare it to an "autopilot on steroids," the focus should not be on fearing AI, but on the individual who wields it.

Sound familiar? That might be because it’s the same basic line that Netflix CEO used to communicate with the creatives that he works with.

Why the Board Fired OpenAI CEO

In a newly released interview, former OpenAI board member Helen Toner explained why the board fired Sam Altman last year. “…for years, Sam had made it really difficult for the board … by withholding information, misrepresenting things that were happening at the company, in some cases outright lying to the board.”

These were pretty startling statements revolving around the safety and public good that OpenAI is supposed to be working towards. However, he was able to get his job back. Since then, the Super Alignment team has been neutered, and then disbanded.

OpenAI’s new Safety Team

Fox Guarding the AI hen house

The good news is, is that there is a new safety team for OpenAI. An important role for any AI company. However, there’s a catch. Sam Altman is the head of this team.

So while its first job is to evaluate and develop processes and safeguards, the real question is, will that be its priority, as it doesn’t seem to address some of the former Super Alignment team’s concerns.

Google Leaked Data

How does your website rank in the search engine

We don’t know where it came from, however, Google has confirmed that a treasure trove of over 2,500 documents explaining what they look for in ranking websites in the search engine has been released.

While they warn that much of this information should be taken with a grain of salt due to it being old, or incomplete, it still starts to give some indication as to how and what goes into ranking websites - something that is important in the web today, and still a highly guarded secret.

Search engine optimization (SEO) experts Rand Fishkin and Mike King, both published initial analyses of the documents and their contents earlier this week.

These factors can have an enormous impact on small and local business especially. While it was initially a Computer Science problem, ranking websites have been the focus of many businesses since search engines first appeared.

If you’re not keeping up, this is the second major data dump to come out, after it was shown that Google intentionally has been tanking search results.

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